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They leave a school in Cancun practically empty; was vandalized three times


Ana Vasquez, head of the Ministry of Education of Quintana Roo, released the number of schools what have been vandalized in state and stressed that in Cancun there is a school that was robbed three times; also released information on the start of classes and exact dates of delivery of federal books to the school of basic education.

There have been 50 vandalized schools, but in Cancun, one school was vandalized in its entirety, that is, it was looted three times, « they left it practically empty, » said the official and stressed that it is the only school that has had more looting, although he pointed out that the authority already has the complaints and the investigations have already begun.

They leave a school in Cancun practically empty; was vandalized three times / Photo to illustrate

He explained that most foreign lovers have stolen wiring, pipes and electronic devices, among other things, that is why they have already requested a budget from the authority of half a million pesos to repair the damage and everything is ready upon return classes, when the traffic light is green.

Carlo Corral

Cancun Herald's Chief editor, Journalist and photographer in Cancun. [email protected]

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