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The new USB Type C will make your phone or tablet more secure than ever


More and more devices reach the market with a USB Type C port. While it is true that some solutions, such as the recently introduced Huawei P Smart 2019, are still betting on a micro USB output, the future lies in this new format. And after the new Type C authentication program, it is clear that this technology will be standardized in 2019.

This new security protocol what it will do is establish a security policy that device manufacturers should follow. For this, optimal cryptography is improved for Type C USB devices and compatible chargers.

And what does this new cryptography consist of? In which the device with USB Type C or compatible charger is responsible for automatically checking the authenticity of the connection at the time it is made. In this way the phone would limit, for example, charging only with chargers that have these security protocols.

This way you will avoid cases in which terminals end up exploding when using poor quality chargers that offer powers incompatible with the device itself. On the other hand, this new cryptography will also protect access only to verified Type C USB devices, which will make it much more difficult to steal information.

Source: Topesdegama

Carlo Corral

Cancun Herald's Chief editor, Journalist and photographer in Cancun. [email protected]

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