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Barack Obama chooses “Roma” as his favorite movie


One of the most successful films of 2018 was undoubtedly the last production of the renowned Mexican director Alfonso Cuarón, we speak clearly of “ROMA“, since it has been recognized worldwide in different film festivals and has given international fame to its protagonist Yalitza Aparicio

The former president of the United States, Barack Obama, who recently has been on everyone’s lips, because thanks to his noble actions is still very dear to his country even after leaving his position as president.

A few days ago, to commemorate the end of the year the famous politician published through his Instagram account a series of photographs where he shared with all his followers his selection of favorite songs, books, and movies of 2018.
To everyone’s surprise, the famous film by Alfonso Cuarón appeared on the former president’s list, which drove all the Mexican followers of the politician crazy.

Source: La Verdad

Carlo Corral

Cancun Herald's Chief editor, Journalist and photographer in Cancun. [email protected]

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