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Woman abducted at 13 years old is rescued 32 years later


An Argentine woman who had been missing for 32 years was rescued in the city of Bernejo (Bolivia) after a joint operation between the Bolivian Special Force of Fight against Crime and the Argentinian National Gendarmerie.

The woman, who was kidnapped by a trafficking network when she was only 13 years old, will now be able to return home, in her mother city of Mar del Plata. As a result of the joint work between the authorities of Argentina and Bolivia, it was possible to determine the location of the victim and free her and her young son.

The woman, whose name has not been revealed, traveled to Bolivia in search of work, after being tricked by her older sister’s boyfriend, who appears in the court case under the letters AC.

AC promised the sisters that once in Bolivia they would get work, but, being there they were kidnapped and sexually exploited. The older sister managed to return to Argentina months later, but the youngest one was trapped in the trafficking network.

Source: Sipse

Carlo Corral

Cancun Herald's Chief editor, Journalist and photographer in Cancun. [email protected]

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