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The world’s largest submerged archaeological site is in Tulum


The Yucatan Peninsula was the cradle of the Mayan culture, here we can find astounding archeological zones that marvels the world with their architecture. In addition, it is known that in this place there is a variety of “cenotes” underwater caves that the Mayas occupied to perform rituals.

Last year, the “Great Mayan Aquifer project” after 10 months of work found the world’s largest underwater cave, reports Quintana Roo Speleological Survey.

This cave is located in Tulum and is named “Sac Actun” which has an extension of 347 kilometers. This extension is compared to the distance between Chetumal and Cancun.

According to granacuiferomaya.org, researchers found that “Sac Actun” was linked to another underwater cave called “Dos Ojos” (two eyes). By itself, “Sac Actun” has an extension of 263 kilometers while “Dos Ojos”has 84 kilometers, but when joined together they make up the largest underwater cave.

Carlo Corral

Cancun Herald's Chief editor, Journalist and photographer in Cancun. [email protected]

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