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“The Killers” releases a new single talking about the Trump administration


Since the beginning of his administration at the end of 2016, Donald Trump has become the banner of the most conservative positions and intolerance. Its policies of zero tolerance against migrants who arrive in the United States-Mexico border have been one of the most critical cases that represent a humanitarian and values ​​crisis that, unfortunately, is reflected throughout the world.

In this way, and without being pretentious or simply acquire an ideology, Trump has won the rejection of a large part of world society, but especially the American ones, including celebrities, artists and musicians who have declared against the idea of “Make America Great Again” based on intolerance. And one of them is the band The Killers, which has released a song called “Land of the Free” to talk about all these issues and run against Trump and everything it represents.

Brandon Flowers, leader and vocalist of The Killers, released the song on various streaming platforms. “Land of the Free” comes with almost two years of absence from the band on the studios after their last album Wonderful, Wonderful in 2017. The song as we mentioned, talks about migration, racism, and violence with weapons through the voice of Flowers and some gospel choirs that remind us of the tragedies that have been living under the eyes of Trump and that are a consequence of a fragmented culture.

Source: Sopitas

Carlo Corral

Cancun Herald's Chief editor, Journalist and photographer in Cancun. [email protected]

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