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The historic photo of four American presidents and the last goodbye to Bush


At the funeral of the president number 41 of the United States, the presidents who have governed this country met

Between them, they have spent some 22 years living in the White House and now they have shared a wooden bench in the National Cathedral of the United States during the funeral of former President George HW Bush.
It is not very frequent that so many commanders in chief, from the past and present of the United States, meet in the same place.
It is something that can happen very occasionally during, for example, the funeral of a former president or the opening of a presidential library.

When George W. Bush arrived and sat next to his family on the other side of the temple, he raised to five the number of presidents present and increased to 30 the number of years they spent occupying the White House.


Source: El Universal

Carlo Corral

Cancun Herald's Chief editor, Journalist and photographer in Cancun. [email protected]

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