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Ottawa woman beaten at Cancun resort continues recovery in Mexico


An Ottawa woman who was brutally beaten in her hotel room at a resort in Cancun will continue her recovery in Mexico. 

The latest update on her GoFundMe page said Alexandra ‘Lexie’ York will continue to recover at a hotel in Cancun after being released from hospital this week.

The page goes on to say that Lexie is getting better, and has started eating solid foods. She has also met with the police investigator and the minister of tourism of Quintana Roo while in hospital. 

Lexie was at a resort in Cancun on November 11, when the alleged beating took place by a man she had met earlier that day in the hotel. 

She required 9.5 hours of facial reconstructive surgery after the beating. 

Lexie had to undergo further corrective surgery on November 21 on both of her eyes as they were not healing properly, but according to her GoFundMe page, the second surgery went well. 

It’s still not known exactly when Lexie will be able to return to Canada. The last update about her return on November 20 said she would be cleared to fly by the end of the month. 

Carlo Corral

Cancun Herald's Chief editor, Journalist and photographer in Cancun. [email protected]

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