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Mexico is paying for the wall, says Trump; AMLO refuses have talked about the subject with Trump


US President Donald Trump said Thursday that Mexico is paying for the construction of the border wall after the passage of the US-Canada Trade Treaty (T-MEC).

Likewise the Mexican president responded in his morning conference that the issue was not addressed in the call they held on Wednesday.
In his Twitter account, Trump said that NAFTA was very expensive and that by saving money with the newly signed, “Mexico pays for the wall.”

“I often said:” In one way or another, Mexico will pay for the Wall. “This has never changed. Our new agreement with Mexico (and Canada), the USMCA, is much better than the old, very expensive and anti-agreement with the US NAFTA, that’s only for the money we save, MEXICO PAYS FOR THE WALL! “.

Meanwhile, Andrés Manuel López Obrador said that the issue of the construction of the wall was not part of the conversation on Wednesday.”That topic has not been discussed, that’s why I held yesterday on Facebook and Twitter that it was a respectful conversation and in terms of friendship.”


Carlo Corral

Cancun Herald's Chief editor, Journalist and photographer in Cancun. [email protected]

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