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Mexico accepts that migrants remain in the country while seeking asylum in the US


The United States warned Mexico this morning that it intends to return non-Mexican foreigners to await the development of their migration process in Aztec land.

“At eight o’clock in the morning, the Government of the United States informed the Government of Mexico that the Department of Homeland Security of the United States of America (DHS) intends to implement a section of its immigration law that would allow him to return foreigners, not Mexicans, to our country so that they can wait here for the development of their immigration process in the United States, “the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (SRE) said in a statement.

The Mexican authorities responded that the country reaffirms its sovereign right to admit or reject the entry of foreigners into its territory, in the exercise of its migration policy.

In view of the situation, Mexico decided that it will protect migrants, in particular, minors, whether they are accompanied or not, as well as to protect the right of those who wish to initiate and follow an asylum procedure in the territory of the United States of America. America.

Source: El Universal

Carlo Corral

Cancun Herald's Chief editor, Journalist and photographer in Cancun. [email protected]

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