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It’s revealed that Facebook shares user data with companies


The president of the Digital Committee, Culture, Media and Sport (DCMSC) of the United Kingdom, Damian Noel Collins, released on Wednesday the internal documents of Facebook Inc. that show that the social network gave preferential access of user data to various companies, such as:

  • Airbnb
  • Badoo
  • Lyft

The British lawmaker obtained the data from Six4Three, an application developer who is currently carrying out a legal battle with Facebook; He added that the social network also took aggressive positions against competing applications by denying them access to user data.

“Facebook clearly entered into agreements with certain companies, which means that after the changes in 2014-2015 they maintained full access to the data. The idea of ​​linking access to data to the financial value of the relationship between developers and Facebook is a recurring feature in these documents. “



Source: UNOTV

Carlo Corral

Cancun Herald's Chief editor, Journalist and photographer in Cancun. [email protected]

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