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Governor addresses Quintana Roo with results of changes


In front of a crowd of thousands, Quintana Roo Governor Carlos Joaquín González, addressed the people of the state, stressing the achievements made in the way of security, anti-corruption and economic growth due to the changes being made.

In his public address from the state’s capital city of Chetumal, the governor said “We know that we are not going to solve all the problems, but every day we are taking a step forward, a great step, because this is a government that, together with all of you, is achieving the union of the divided.”

During his message, he pointed out that these changes have led to the opening of 856 criminal investigation folders through the anti-corruption prosecutor’s office in the state, and that the results of the change are reflected in the recovery of almost 1.2 billion peso of money that was looted from the state.

Carlos Joaquín said that by correcting those courses, there was greater economic growth which allowed Quintana Roo to move into second place in the generation of income in relation to total government revenues.

He said two areas were solidified, tourism leadership and economic diversification. Thanks to the confidence generated, today Quintana Roo has direct national and foreign investment of almost $6.5 billion dollars.

He reported that the state moved from the 13th position to 4th in the Fiscal Information Transparency Index, adding that in 2016, the state ranked last place in government transparency, but today, is the third most transparent state in Mexico.

He stressed that relations between the Government of Mexico and that of Quintana Roo are, and will continue to be, very good “and there is nothing that prevents us from consolidating a permanent alliance to advance in the well-being of our people with concrete answers and results,” after recovering the reins of our future.

Regarding security and the fight against violence, which he says are two of the largest demands in the state, the governor said there are achievements, but it’s not enough. “When a single inhabitant of this land suffers from insecurity, that obscures our results and encourages us to redouble our efforts and work together, to do more all with one goal, which is to recover the tranquility of Quintana Roo,” he said.

“The social peace, the family fabric has been broken, but we must also recognize that the insecurity that has overflowed corresponds to the thrashes of a square that had been sold to violent groups that operated with impunity in exchange for political favors,” he added.

Carlos Joaquín noted that three years ago, the people of Quintana Roo were overwhelmed by despair and that now, there is an agenda of change to have a strong state, adding that this year alone, violators of the of law have been imprisoned more than triple that of last year.

Carlo Corral

Cancun Herald's Chief editor, Journalist and photographer in Cancun. carlocorral@cancunherald.com

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