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‘Commitment fulfilled, teachers’: López Obrador signs initiative to repeal educational reform


President Andrés Manuel López Obrador signed on Wednesday the initiative to repeal the educational reform approved by the previous administration.
The president explained that the proposal will be sent to the Chamber of Deputies on Wednesday.
“Today starts (the initiative) by the House of Representatives Commitment fulfilled, teachers and teachers of Mexico,” he said at a press conference from the National Palace.
López Obrador stressed that this initiative has “an initial agreement with parents and teachers,” unlike what he called “presumptuous called educational reform.”

The president stressed that the reform includes free education at all educational levels, that is, up to the highest level, so the federal government will proceed to the construction of 100 public universities.

Source: El Financiero

Carlo Corral

Cancun Herald's Chief editor, Journalist and photographer in Cancun. [email protected]

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