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Cancun to Celebrate Event-Filled 50th Birthday in April


A big celebration is being planned in April when Cancun, Mexico celebrates its 50th birthday.

Wait, what?

How can one of the oldest, most historic, most culturally significant areas of Mexico that dates back to the 15th century and the Mayan civilization be just 50 years old?

Glad you asked.

This is actually the birthday of the Cancun as we know it now—one of the most majestic, popular tourist areas in the world.

After the Mayans abandoned the region some 600 years ago, Cancun was virtually dormant until 1968 when the Mexican government took a longer look at the peninsula, shoreline and the stunning blue waters of the Caribbean and thought, ‘Hmmm. This could be as nice a resort area as Acapulco.’

Two years later, on April 20, 1970, construction began on hotels and businesses, and the rest is history.

For the big Golden Anniversary, the local government, tourism service providers and other businesses in Cancun are preparing for the celebration.

The Cancún delegation of the Mexican Association of Travel Agencies (AMAV) announced that special products, like limited-edition commemorative bottles of tequila and activities such as yacht processions will commemorate the city’s birthday.

Companies like beverage retailer La Europea have announced that they will release commemorative products to be sold the week of April 20, Cancun’s de facto birthday. La Europea will release 3,500 limited-edition bottles of Las Garrafas mezcal to be sold in its Cancún stores.

French beverage company Moet will release around 1,000 commemorative bottles of its Moet Ice champagne, which will also be sold in La Europea outlets in Cancun.

The city is also working with various airlines to arrange the painting of airplanes with the logo for the city’s 50th-anniversary celebrations.

Carlo Corral

Cancun Herald's Chief editor, Journalist and photographer in Cancun. [email protected]

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