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Approval of the budget, as a Christmas gift: López Obrador


After the approval in general of the Budget of Expenditures of the Federation (PEF) for 2019, the president Andrés Manuel López Obrador described this decision of the Congress as “a Christmas gift”, because it implies the approval of resources to fulfill commitments.

At hours that the Chamber of Deputies approved with 312 votes in favor and 154 against the Budget of Expenditures 2019 with an amount of 5 billion 838 thousand 59 million pesos, the president said that this will ensure various supports such as pension to seniors and people with disabilities, scholarships for young people, among others.

“The budget was approved for next year and it’s good news because the funds that will allow us to fulfill all the commitments we made are authorized, there’s going to be justice, it’s like a Christmas present,” he said.

During a conference, López Obrador affirmed that with the approval of the Expenditure Budget, poverty will be addressed in the country in order to reduce its rates and for those most in need to obtain support from the Federal Government.

Source: Excelsior

Carlo Corral

Cancun Herald's Chief editor, Journalist and photographer in Cancun. [email protected]

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