Two nuns from California stole 500,000 dollars for gambling in Las Vegas

epa02342829 A sister at St Peter's Residence waves a flag during a visit by Pope Benedict XVI to St. Peter's Residence for the elderly in the London borough of Lambeth, London, England, 18 September, 2010. St. Peter's Residence is run by the Little Sisters of the Poor and the sisters have served the elderly poor in London since 1851. EPA/CHRIS RADBURN / POOL (Newscom TagID: epaphotosfour453505.jpg) [Photo via Newscom]


Two nuns admitted to stealing 500,000 US from the Catholic school in California, where they officiated to go to gambling in Las Vegas casinos, his order said Monday.

The Archdiocese of Los Angeles said the embezzlement was discovered during a routine audit and it is believed that the nuns had stolen the money for at least a decade.

Although the police have been alerted, the Archdiocese said it does not plan to make criminal charges against the nuns who for years officiated as moral educators of the students.