The Supreme Court orders to give social security to domestic employees


The Secretary of Labor and Social Welfare, Luisa María Alcalde Luján, held the resolution of the Nations’s Supreme Justice Court (SCJN), declaring unconstitutional that employers of domestic employees are not required to register them with the Mexican Institute of the Social Security (IMSS).

The Second Chamber of the SCJN approved, this Wednesday, the project in this regard, prepared by Minister Alberto Pérez Dayán, of the direct treatment 9/2018. In a official announcement, the SCJN said that leaving the domestic work of that regime disproportionately affects women, because statistically the work of the household is carried out preponderantly by them (nine out of ten household employees are women, according to the INEGI).

The Court emphasized that traditionally, domestic work has been subject to inadequate conditions, long hours and low wages, exposed to conditions that are far from the concept of decent work.

“There is no constitutionally valid reason why the Federal Labor Law and the laws from the IMSS exclude the domestic work from the mandatory social security system, which causes unfair discrimination against these workers,” he said.



Source: Proceso