The Mud Tsunami that turns a city into a cemetery

AME5511. BRUMADINHO (BRASIL), 29/01/2019.- Personas participan este martes en una vigilia en homenaje a las víctimas mortales y desaparecidos por la tragedia provocada el viernes tras la ruptura de una represa de residuos minerales del gigante brasileño Vale, en Brumadinho (Brasil). El número de víctimas mortales por la tragedia llegó a 84, según el último balance de los bomberos, que este martes, por quinto día consecutivo, siguieron con las tareas de rescate. EFE/Lucas Landau BRASIL VERTIDO


Five days ago a hell of mud was realized on Brumadinho, cutting the life of this mining town, where everyone knows someone who is now under the mud.

There are at the moment 84 dead, 276 missing and no hope of finding survivors of a disaster that has turned the eyes of this region shattered towards the ones who falls to this tragedy.

“Many friends, many acquaintances, we are all shaken, this should not have happened, there was a lot of imprudence, today all Brumadinho is mourning”

Gustavo França, 25 years old

Source: Debate