The communities must be asked for permission to build the Mayan Train


Mayan communities represented in the Indigenous Regional Council warned that the first to be consulted and to whom they should request permission for the construction of the Mayan Train are the 82 indigenous communities that are going to be affected by the mega project, a condition that has not yet occurred.

“What we are saying is that in the national opinion poll that they did and where they say that 80 percent are in agreement with the project, the real affected were not consulted or present. And this type of ceremony does not comply with the real mystique of our people and only lends itself to a tourist-type show and not to a true mystical process. For that, many things are required, not just that one dresses, incense is put on or the baton is given, which is not given to anyone either, “warned Romel González Díaz, spokesman for the Council.

In the opinion of the Council, “what is wrong” with the López Obrador administration is that by not providing information or “inventing things”, the thinking of communities as indigenous and their concept of development is minimized and discriminated.

Source: AnimalPolitico