Occupancy Rates in Cancun, Riviera Maya Region Staying Steady


Destinations in the northern region of Quintana Roo announced occupancy rates at hotels have maintained a steady pace as tourism slowly bounces back from the ongoing coronavirus outbreak.

According to the Riviera Maya News, the Hotel Association of Cancun, Puerto Morelos and Isla Mujeres reported occupancy rates in Puerto Morelos and Isla Mujeres continue to maintain a 22 and 19.6 percent rate, respectively.

As for Cancun, the occupancy rate stayed at around 27.3 percent. Mexico continues to welcome an increasing number of travelers to Quintana Roo, and the 44 hotels totaling more than 10,000 rooms currently closed are likely to begin hosting visitors in the coming months.

Officials from Cancun International Airport said the facility hosted 184 flights Wednesday, including 112 national and 72 international journeys. The international destinations being served include Atlanta, Baltimore, Charlotte, Chicago, Dallas, Denver, Philadelphia, Fort Lauderdale, Grand Cayman, Houston, Havana, Los Angeles, Miami and New York.

The mayors of Cancun and Isla Mujeres announced plans last week to enforce restrictions on tourists when the country’s epidemiological light allows for the reopening of beaches, including an access schedule with a maximum stay time of three hours, social distancing enforcement, limitations on group sizes, a ban on alcoholic beverages and mandatory facial coverings.

Earlier this week, officials in the U.S. ordered the closure of several entry points with Mexico and added more secondary checks to curb non-essential travel between the countries.