Mexico to hold tourism summit in Cancun despite Covid-19

ACOMPAÑA CRÓNICA: MÉXICO TURISMO - MEX085. COZUMEL (MÉXICO), 12/08/2019.- Vista general tomada este lunes, con drone que muestra el muelle de la isla de Cozumel, en el estado de Quintana Roo (México). Uno de los muelles para cruceros con más afluencia en el mundo, ubicado en la isla de Cozumel, en el Caribe mexicano, está en planes de ampliación para recibir 50 % más pasajeros y con las nuevas obras recibiría hasta 6,5 millones de visitantes al año, lo que ha causado alarma entre ambientalistas. EFE/ Heyder Castillo

The World Travel and Tourism Council confirmed that Mexico maintains its plan to hold the Cancun summit, Quintana Roo, next April despite the outbreak of the coronavirus (Covid-19).
The entity said that so far the World Summit in Cancun will take place as planned and ‘we hope to welcome travel and tourism leaders from around the world, from April 21 to 23.’
The council, which brings together global companies in the travel and tourism sector, considered it important that the entire travel community ‘join forces to work at this difficult time for our industry and support a proportionate response to the outbreak.’
He encouraged the ‘close collaboration’ of the public and private sector to help limit the impact of the virus, combat erroneous information about its spread and avoid unnecessary panic.