Mexico: Cabify will replace Easy Taxi in Cancun through taxi union Andrés Quintana Roo


Although they do not have a concession from the Mobility Institute, Cabify will be operating through Andrés Quintana Roo Union units, with at least 2 thousand drivers using it and waiting for it to be added more, said Ramón Escobar, General Director of Cabify

That is to say, that taxi drivers, the main opponents of Uber, have now become the vehicle for the entry of another digital platform that offers transportation service in various parts of the country and the world.

Ramón Escobar, General Director of Cabify: “We are waiting for you to give us a first light and very much in anticipation of how the process is progressing in other companies (…) regarding the issue of permits, for today there is no legislation that indicates that taxis per application must follow certain documentation. However, we are very close to the Secretariat to see how the issue of private drivers evolves and how it evolves.”

However, he acknowledged that they are in constant communication with the Mobility Institute pending any change in the law that allows independent drivers to enter and even, with the intention of integrating new transport systems such as bicycles, motorcycles and roller skates. In Playa del Carmen, for example, some bicycles are already operating and the intention is to reconcile all mobility systems.

He said there are benefits for passengers such as a panic button that connects directly to a 911 call, a trusted contact to monitor the trip, a follow-up call center here and in Colombia. And on the driver’s side, access to more trips, the use of a demand map to avoid downtime “flipping”.

In addition, he announced that the Easy taxi application will be replaced by Cabify, as the application is updated this month, and will strengthen the service with more operators, for which they apply some security filters with the intention of providing a better service.