Mauricio Vila Dosal is the best-rated governor in Mexico


Mauricio Vila Dosal, is the Governor of Mexico with the best approval ratings, trust, and the lowest perception of insecurity in the state he governs.

According to the monthly survey by the Massive Caller house to measure various indices regarding how the governed see their governor, Mauricio Vila Dosal, head of the Yucatan government, is the state governor with the best approval rating among the citizens of his state.

After conducting, by telephone, just over a thousand surveys, Massive Caller concluded that Vila Dosal is at the head of the governors with greater approval.

Vila Dosal was approved by 68.1 percent of the respondents, followed by Francisco Domínguez de Querétaro, who obtained 62.2 percent and Omar Fayad, governor of Hidalgo, with 62.1 percent.

With respect to the states in which its citizens have a lower perception of insecurity, Yucatan also leads the list, which places it as the state considered to be the safest by those who inhabit it.

Campeche, with 14.6 percent and Coahuila, with 17.0 percent, occupy the second and third place in the lowest perception of insecurity.

On the other hand, Vila Dosal is the governor who is given the highest confidence index by his governed.

With 47.6 percent, Vila Dosal also tops this list of positive rates, followed by Claudia Pavlovich, from Sonora, who obtained 46.9 percent, and Francisco Domínguez, from Querétaro, to whom 41.7 percent of those surveyed would leave the key to their house if necessary.

On the opposite side, Carlos M. Aysa González, Governor of Campeche, is the local president who is given the lowest level of approval.

Aysa González obtained the approval of only 19.9 percent of the respondents. Miguel Barbosa, from Puebla, and Silvano Aureoles, from Michoacán, with 24.6 and 23.6 percent respectively, are two other governors with the lowest approval rating.

Zacatecas citizens gave their state the highest perception of insecurity. As 51.4 percent of those governed by Alejandro Tello Cristerna perceive the state as one of the most insecure in the country.

Veracruz got 48.1 percent, and Mexico City, 51.1 percent.

In the index of governors who inspire less confidence to the people, Carlos M. Aysa González, received the lowest percentage.

Aysa González obtained 15.6 percent in this index, while Miguel Barbosa, from Puebla, got only 18.6 percent.

Silvano Aureoles, from Michoacán, is also part of the local leaders who are less trusted by the people of his state, with 18.2 percent.