Lopez Obrador presents a declaration of assets; “I’m not a landowner”, says the Mexican president


When presenting his declaration of property and that of his wife, Beatriz Gutiérrez, in order to open it to the public on the website of the Secretariat of Public Function (SFP), President Andrés Manuel López Obrador stated that he is not a landowner and that It has a fifth of 12 thousand square meters in Palenque, Chiapas.

He clarified that there will be no exceptions to the filing of the declaration of assets and all federal officials will have to make that document public.

He stressed that his statement and that of his wife can already be found on the SFP website, and he also refused to have a credit card or checking account.

“I have never been interested in money, I fight for ideals and principles, but not everyone who has is evil, I have never had the objective of accumulating material goods, happiness is being good with oneself and with one’s conscience and with others and I give thanks to the life that has given me so much, “he said.

Source: Informador.MX