It is believed that “a brother-in-law” of the parents of the 7 deceased minors could have caused the fire


The Deputy Prosecutor for Deconcentrated Previous Inquiries of the Attorney General’s Office of the CDMX, Margarita Vázquez Sánchez, confirmed that the fire registered last Friday in which seven minors lost their lives in the Iztapalapa mayor’s office was caused by direct fire, according to the opinion. expert.

The official explained that the open flame that caused the fire could have been a lit match or paper that was thrown on combustible material located in the places identified as the fire spots, “which caused that the fire could not be controlled” and being a house made of wood and cardboard, in which “a lot of familiars lived”, spread very quickly.

At the time of the accident, the seven minors were inside the house: five of them (three girls and two boys) children of the same couple; a minor between 14 and 15 years old who suffered from crystal bones.

With them was a relative, sister of the mother of the five brothers, who regularly took care of them when the parents went to work and it is presumed that another adult was also in the place, “a brother-in-law, as it was presumed” who could be the likely .

Vázquez Sánchez said that so far the authorities have not located that other adult who may have caused the fire, but the investigations continue to find his whereabouts. “At the moment, the Public Ministry is carrying out inquiries as interviews to various people who lived there,” she explained.

Source: Aristegui