“HELP ME”: Circulates photograph of the alleged youth missing in Cancun in which is with the mouth plugged and a sheet with bank accounts


A photograph that would correspond to the missing girl, Cindy Saldivar, circulates in social networks, where she appears with her mouth covered with industrial tape and a letter-sized sheet with two account numbers from different banks.
The woman is portrayed with closed eyes, loose hair slightly disheveled, without makeup and wearing a black blouse.

On the sheet, it says the letter ‘HELP ME’ and below it two bank account numbers, one from Scotiabank, which is 5579 2250 4102 5860 and another from Bancomer which is 4152 3131 2746 5198.
The day after its disappearance, Protocol Alba was activated, which has a Technical Collaboration Group, which is made up of various federal and local agencies, which deploy the appropriate actions to locate the missing women and girls, and continues operating until its location.
So far, the State Attorney General’s Office (FGE) has not issued an official position on the matter.

Source: Noticaribe