Extremely rare blood is sought around the world to save the life of a girl with cancer


A search is underway around the world to find specific donors with a rare blood type that could help save a two-year-old girl with very aggressive cancer.
It is about the little Zainab Mughal, who lives in Tallahassee, in South Florida.
The girl has neuroblastoma and needs transfusions and bone marrow transplants.
Finding compatible donors is extremely difficult because it does not have a common antigen called Indian B that most people carry in their blood

However, the knowledge of a blood bank was obtained. Oneblood of Florida got an “answer” in the global campaign to look for descendants of Pakistanis, Iranians or Hindus lack the Indian B antigen in the blood in order to help Zainab.
According to Oneblood, the blood must be typed “A” or “O” and the donors have the number of employees “100%” of father and mother of those nationalities, the same in the United States and not have the mentioned antigen.

The organization has received more than eight thousand emails sent by people inside and outside the country, according to Susan Forbes, vice president of the organization.



Source: Televisa.News