Deaths in Cancun continue, seven executions and three injuries were reported over the weekend


One more day of violence recorded seven executions and three injured by gunfire, in a total of nine cases that occurred in a span of 48 hours in different parts of the city over the course of the weekend.

In addition to the executions, three bullets wounded were reported, among them a minor, 14 years old, who suffered aggression in the entrance of his house, in Supermanzana 75.
Three of the weekend killings occurred during the course of Sunday, including the case of a custodian of the Cancun prison, who received multiple bullet wounds in his vehicle, on Chac Mool Avenue, in Supermanzana 219 and died later in a hospital.

That same Sunday, a bagged body was located in the parking area of ​​a group of dwellings in 28 Donceles, and on the other hand, a resident of the Villas Otoch Paraíso subdivision received several shots inside his home and died later in the Hospital General.
Two other executions were reported in the course of Saturday, one of which was recorded in front of a supermarket located at the junction of the Kabah avenues and the Yaxchilán extension, where a male person was shot several times in the parking area and died in the same place.

The dawn of the same Saturday occurred the execution of a person who was in the area of ​​the sidewalk and after suffering multiple shots, his lifeless body was next to a parked vehicle.
On Friday night, two bullet attacks were reported, in one case, one man lost his life and another was injured, in the area of ​​the sidewalk, in the street known as La Cuchilla, in Supermanzana 75, in front of the facilities of the Office of the Special Prosecutor in the Investigation of Crimes against Health. Moments earlier, a young man was executed in front of his home in the Paseo Kusamil subdivision, in Region 110.

Source: Noticaribe