Cozumel Tourists Have Vacations Disrupted By Noise And Smells


What should have been the vacation of a lifetime has turned out to be anything but, after constant noise and disgusting smells on the island of Cozumel have ruined vacations for several travelers. When heading to a paradisal destination like Cozumel, with its deep, blue seas, soft sandy beaches, and countless scenic backdrops, the only complaint travelers should have is that they have to return home at some point. Now, as travelers are kept away by the noise and the smells on the island, it’s turned a dream vacation into something of a nightmare. 

Yet while loud sounds and foul smells are two things that can ruin a vacation for even the most experienced of travelers, there have been other things happening in Cozumel that could affect the island’s stellar reputation even further. Here’s a look at how the travelers have been affected by issues on Cozumel, plus a look at other concerns that prospective travelers to the island may have to contend with in the coming months.

Cozumel Disappoints – What Travelers Should Know
Following in the footsteps of nearby Cancun – one of the world’s most in-demand travel destinations – neighboring Cozumel has also experienced something of a travel boom in recent months. The island welcomed in excess of 3 million cruise passengers as it emerged as a top cruising destination over the past year, while December saw the island’s resorts pretty much sell out as travelers flocked from the island for a holiday vacation. Yet, while it’s one of the most beautiful destinations in the region, not everyone has left with a positive impression.

During a meeting between Cozumel’s hoteliers and the Deputy Director of Ecology, the hotel chiefs explained that noise pollution had significantly affected the sleep of guests at their hotels. Noise pollution has been a constant concern in the region, with the resort town of Tulum opting to bring in strict controls on late-night noise levels in November of last year. Yet while Tulum restricted bars from playing loud music past 12AM, Cozumel failed to follow suit – and guests are paying for it with sleepless nights.

Unfortunately, noise pollution wasn’t the only issue affecting travelers staying in Cozumel. The island’s inability to control the flow of its sewage has led to hotel guests complaining about the strong odors – an issue that is a health and safety concern as much as it is one that would ruin a vacation. However, travelers can rest assured that the local government has already planned to carry out work on this issue which will hopefully mean it isn’t an issue going forward.

According to a study from 2019, the quality of a traveler’s sleep was one of the major factors in the overall satisfaction of their stay, and something that often led to brand loyalty. With noises and smells preventing travelers from getting that much-vaunted vacation sleep, not only is this ruining their trips, but it could have a negative impact on the long-term success and viability of many hotel brands currently in operation on Cozumel.

t’s not the only smelly issue travelers have to look forward to in the coming months. Last year, Cozumel wrestled with record levels of the stinky seaweed sargassum, which washes up on its beaches throughout the region’s low season. While this year’s anticipated sargassum levels are expected to be lower, the unpredictability of ocean currents and wind means that there’s every chance it has a repeat of last year’s scenes.

Fortunately, it’s not all bad news for Cozumel. The sewage smell only affects the first quadrant of the island, meaning there are plenty of parts of the island where travelers will only smell the salty sea breeze. Secondly, while noise pollution is frustrating for many party-minded travelers, the news may simply serve as a reminder that vacations on Cozumel are back and better than ever. Travelers should always make sure they research the local area and read reviews before they book a hotel to avoid any nasty surprises.