Civil Protection expects to drain 250,000 liters from Holbox streets after heavy rainfall


Municipal Civil Protection personnel began the task of draining more than 70,000 liters of water from flooded island streets after a heavy rainfall.

Streets along the island of Holbox were left completely submerged after the island was doused with a heavy rainfall. Alejandro Betancourt, the director of Civil Protection of Lázaro Cárdenas, explained that several elements were commissioned on the island to drain the streets of Palomino and Tiburón Ballena among other central streets that are the most flooded.

“At the moment, an average of 70,000 liters of rainwater have been drained, but we expect to reach up to 250,000 liters if the weather conditions permit,” he added.

He noted that this situation gives a bad image to the thousands of tourists who visit the island, which is why they have been commissioned to manually drain the streets.

He said that if the weather conditions remain favorable, the drainage work in Holbox would end in two or three days, adding that the island encounters serious flooding problems in central avenues during every rainy season.