Citizens protest in Cancun to demand their right to use vapers


On February 20, the federal government banned the import of vaporizing devices.

On Thursday February 20, 2020 the federal government banned the import of Electronic Nicotine Management Systems, Alternative Nicotine Consumption Systems (SACN), Similar Nicotine-Free Systems (SSSN), electronic cigarettes and vaporizing devices with similar uses, because they allegedly cause Pulmonary Obstructive Chronic Disease (COPD) or cystic fibrosis.

CANCUN.- On Wednesday March 4, a group of citizens demonstrated outside the facilities of the Judicial Branch of the Federation (PJF) in Cancun, Quintana Roo to demand from the authorities, respect for their right to choose the use of vapers. They are against the federal government decision to ban the import of these products into the country.

“What we want is to be regulated, not to equate with tobacco because smoking is not vaping, it is completely different, so we want an independent regulation of vaping products,” said Nadyeli Jordá Álvarez, representative in Quintana Roo of the “No to Misinformation” movement.

Jordá Álvarez presented before the Congress of the Union, the results of the studies carried out in Mexico, on these devices, so that federal legislators can analyze the data, and come up with measures, based on observations made in the country by Mexican scientists and academics.