Chilean journalist denounces alleged abuse of authority in Quintana Roo


A Chilean journalist living in the United States reported to the National Human Rights Commission (CNDH) the probable abuse of authority by military, marine and police officers in Playa del Carmen, the heart of the Riviera Maya, who allegedly demanded five thousand pesos to change of not stopping him for possession, consumption and drug trafficking, since his companion carried less than a gram of marijuana.

Nicolás Ríos, who until last August was the presenter of a news program in Chile for an important international news network, told to El Universal that he arrived on vacation in Quintana Roo, specifically in Playa del Carmen, municipality of Solidaridad.

There he met a young man, also from Chile, whom he met on the street days later – Friday, December 28 – at approximately 11:30 p.m. On the way to a bar, when they were walking, they were intercepted by federal police, elements of the Secretariat of the Navy (Semar) and the Mexican Army.

During the inspection of the authorities,was found that Nicolás’s companion brought with him less than a gram of marijuana, which was enough -according to the communicator’s version- so that with that evidence, they extorted them, asking for five thousand Mexican pesos to leave them free and not put at the disposal of a judge for carrying drugs.

When resisting, the agents insisted to them that they would accuse them of drug consumption and traffic; Nicolás says that he asked them not to involve since he did not even carry the grass. They refused.

“He brought with him 0.5 grams of marijuana, I did not, and they took that evidence against me, they took external evidence to charge me, I asked them not to mix the evidence and they told us it was the same, that we were together and that we were traffickers and They asked us for five thousand pesos each of us, “he said.

Source: Informador.MX