Cancun Tourism is Recovering, Other Regions in Mexico Not Faring as Well


Cancun’s hotel occupancy rates are recovering from a decline that dominated the popular tourist destination throughout the summer.

Caribbean News Digital reports that the Mexican tourist destination will end October with a 10 percent recovery. In particular, the Hotel Zone of Cancun and Puerto Morelos are reporting 65.5 percent occupancy.

The president of the Hotel Association of Cancun, Puerto Morelos and Isla Mujeres has said the 10 percent increase for October represents an improvement over September occupancy rates when lodging was still experiencing a slump.

What’s more, according to the recently released Global Destination Cities Index 2019 from Mastercard, Cancun is the top destination in Latin America with 6.04 million international visitors in 2018. The same report forecasted growth of 1.35 percent for 2019. The majority of visitors came from the United States and Canada, with an average stay of 6.1 nights and a daily cost of around $146.

The Riviera Maya region, however, did not have such good news to report, according to Caribbean News Digital. The Hotel Association of the Riviera Maya (AHRM) expects to finish the year with just 77 percent of its typical occupancy, which is three points lower than 2018. That’s a change in tone from earlier this year when AHRM was reporting promising occupancy figures. In July the organization said the year had started with an average occupancy rate of 82 percent, which was a drop of only two percent.

At the same time, European visitation has dropped from 50 percent to 30 percent, impacting occupancy rates in small hotels throughout Playa del Carmen.

Gran Turismo hotels in the European Plan have been among the most significantly impacted, the publication reported.