Cancun, ratified for the Fencing Grand Prix


During the annual meeting of the International Fencing Federation (FIE), and after the excellent organization of international and world events, Cancun was designated to host the Grand Prix in saber mode, as well as the Florete World Cup.

The Annual Congress took place in the “Pavillon d’Armenonville” of Paris and counted with the participation of 135 federations, as well as commissions and councils of the FIE, members of the Executive Committee and members of Honor. In addition to this year’s Congress, the FIE also celebrates its 105th anniversary.

Jorge Castro Rea, president of the Mexican federation, said that “we are happy for the great work we have done in fencing, the countries are more and more those who attend our events.” “The Men’s Sable Grand Prix is ​​one of the most intense competitions there are, the best in the world participate and this coming year is the follow-up to the Tokyo 2020 Olympics process,” he said.