Adolescent commits suicide after false accusations of sexual abuse against him


A few weeks ago, a young Argentine woman, originally from the city of Bariloche and identified as Annie, posted on her social networks that her friend, Agustín Muñoz, had abused her. The complaint soon became viral and the young man began to receive attacks both in the streets of its city and in social networks.

According to Silvina Castañeda, Agustín’s mother to a local media, the first time he was publicly accused of being an abuser was attending a feminist march in the city.

Later, Castañeda contacted Annie, the complainant and spoke with her to reconsider. “We had a very big affection for her. She apologized quickly to try to stop everything, “explained the woman.

But neither the apology nor the denial in social networks became viral, and the attacks against Agustín continued until he chose to take his own life.

“My son, like so many other boys, was a very sensitive being, and as a result of this, he became emotionally unbalanced until he reached the point of making this decision that surprised us all,” the woman explained.

Source: Televisa.News