A car crash in the hotel zone of Cancun; 5 vehicles involved


According to preliminary information, the report of the incident occurred around 8:30 am on Thursday, December 27, when the emergency number 911 requested the support of several ambulances for an automobile accident at kilometer 2 of Boulevard Kukulcán.

After the call, elements of the Tourist Police and Traffic arrived at the place, who confirmed the fact and asked for support from the ambulances; minutes later, paramedics from the Red Cross and private hospitals arrived at the site and took the injured to different hospitals in the city for medical attention.

The mishap was in the down lane, where a public transport bus hit the back of another similar unit, which projected against a truck, van type, causing the central ridge to rise, knocking down a palm tree that fell in both Rise lanes

Meters ahead another truck collided the back of another car, red color and in the mishap, also a motorcyclist was involved, the balance was five injured vehicles were traversed in the down lanes which caused heavy traffic to the downtown that lasted about an hour and a half.

Source: La Verdad