500 more cases of pedophile priests are discovered in Chicago


Chicago, Illinois.- On Wednesday, the Illinois Attorney General’s Office in Chicago, United States, discovered 500 Catholic priests accused of sexual abuse against minors, said Attorney General Lisa Madigan.

In a harsh critique of how the Church has handled the crisis, prosecutor Madigan said her preliminary findings have revealed that the six dioceses have done a worryingly inadequate job investigating the allegations and that, in some cases, they did not investigate them at all. they notified the child welfare workers of the state of the accusations.

Madigan said that although the six archdioceses have publicly identified 185 clerics as having a “credible” accusation of child sexual abuse, the prosecution found at least 500 more priests accused of abuse.

Madigan’s findings are unveiled in a context of renewed national outrage over accusations of child sexual abuse by Catholic priests.

Source: Televisa.NEWS